bonjour!quand les sims sont devenu gratuit je les ai pris et je jouais avec l application ea appseulement plein de soucis mes pack ne se reconnaissait pas a chaque fois que je voulai jouer il fallait que j utilise le ea dlc unlocker a chaque fois!a chaque mise a jour le jeu beuger et j avais pas tous les packs une fois en jeuet la derniere mise a jour du 31-01 ne veut pas s effectuer je ne sais pas pourquoi !si j avai su que vous allez continuer a mettre le crack je n aurai jamais arreter et pris l app pour avoir e jeu legal!je retelecharge donc la version cracké qui est beaucoup mieux avec beaucoup moins de beug en esperant que vous aller continuer a mettre les crack pour les packs a veniren tt cas merci beaucoup pour votre travail!!!!!!vous assurez!!!!
rldorigin dll sims 4 crack 197
Open Microsoft DefenderClick on Virus- and thread protectionSelect Protection HistorySelect Thread in quarantineClick on ActionsClick on RepairAgain, Click on Virus- and thread protectionClick on Settings for Virus- and thread protectionScroll down to ExclusionsClick on Add an exclusionSelect the folder Game or in a legal game select Game-cracked
Hello. The main reason I use a cracked version is because I HATE HATE HATE having to download, run, and install the Origin Launcher Platform each time I want to play S4. I have the Steam version but it still requires the Origin Launcher Program.
I am confused when you said to make a shortcut for your legal game and do the same for the cracked game (your last sentence). Do you mean I will always have two games (legal and cracked)? I thought by installing the legal game, I would only need one game, the legal one, but still have the option to get DLCs by using the Unlocker, so I can get rid of the cracked game. Why would I still need the cracked game (since you said that I need to make a shortcut for that as well)?
I have question do we keep our folder that is origin games with the crack the same or do we move it all over to EA folder. I saw someone telling a person in a sim facebook group that we had to move everything that was in origin games into electronic Arts folder now.
hello! i redownloaded the updated game but whenever i try to run the game it says unable to start update or repair game via origin. i tried to update and repair game with your sims 4 update but still not working, i also cant copy the folder and move it into the installer folder. it says not enough space i need more gb. i tried it delete alot of my files but stil isnt working at all. please help? i downloaded the game from here before and it worked amazing i dont understand why it wont work now. please help thank you so much!
Hi, I have cracked game still at and I want to update that to latest version, The question is I must download every version (71,72,..) or I just download the latest version update patch in this page?
Can you update last patch for Mac? this should be the latest version have the non-original version, can I go online and download the latest version without destroying the crack or do I need to download a patch from your site?Thanks
Will there be a full all in one sims 4 version available to download including the upcoming go wild game pack? When I try to add some files to your portable sims 4 version it says that the space is only 50GB and that I cannot add any more content.
Will there be a full all in one sims 4 version available to download including the upcoming go wild gamepack? When I try to add some files to your portable sims 4 version it says that the space is only 50 gb and that i cannot add any more content
im still having trouble adding SP31 decor to the max for my sims 4 origin (not steam), the game still state decor to the max as UNOWNED even tho i add the SP31 folder, and update my unlocker at your STEP 1.
yes , it is in it. I mean wedding pack. All objects and of course Tartosa. When you use updater your game will be update and wedding pack will be installed. -sims-4/sims-4-download-update-repair-add-dlcs/its here. 2ff7e9595c