Description:From the table of contents: Chapter 1. Introduction to Smooth Manifolds; Chapter 2. Basic results from Differential Topology; Chapter 3. Tangent spaces and tensor calculus; Tensors and differential forms; Chapter 4. Riemannian geometry.
I will be aiming the course at mathematics MSc and PhD students, so peoplewho don't have a good background in geometry and topology may find the coursegoes a bit fast for them. If you think this may apply to you, I encourage youto do some reading in advance of the summer school, for example from thereading list below, and to look at the slides of the lectures below.
lecture notes on differential geometry pdf download
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If some of you would like to go back to your own universities and give alecture course on differential geometry using my course materials, which youmay edit and adapt as you wish, you are welcome to do so. They are written inLaTeX using the "beamer" documentclass. You can download the LaTeX sourcefiles, as a directory compressed as a ZIP file, here: LaTeX source files.
The following is a book-in-progress that I wrote as lecture notes for thesecond half of MIT's advanced undergraduate course in Differential Geometry(18.950) in Spring 2007. The notes assume some basic knowledge of differentiablemanifolds, vector fields, tensors and differentiable forms(as in e.g. Volume 1 of Spivak's Comprehensive Introduction...) andproceed toward the fundamental notions of Riemannian geometry, usingconnections on bundles as a central theme. The point is to providea preferably intuitive and well-motivated introduction to some concepts thatare of crucial importance in modern differential geometry, but oftenseem overly abstract to the beginner.
We take a not very usual way to explain basic notions of differential geometry via the theory of sheaves. Its main advantage lies in its potential for deep generalizations of that classical notions. The course is self-contained.
(section FER) This course is an introduction to Poisson geometry. Poisson geometry is the study of differentiable manifolds equipped with a Poisson bracket. Its roots lie in Classical Mechanics, but it became an independent field of study in the 70's and in the 80's, in parallel to its close cousin Symplectic geometry. If you have a basic knowledge of manifolds, vector fields and differential forms, you can get an idea of what Poisson geometry is by reading a brief introduction or looking at the following slides.
Course description: This course provides an introduction to algebraic geometry. Algebraic geometry is a central subject in modern mathematics, and an active area of research. It has connections with number theory, differential geometry, symplectic geometry, mathematical physics, string theory, representation theory, combinatorics and others. Math 203 is a three quarter sequence. Math 203a will cover affine and projective varieties corresponding roughly to the first chapter of Hartshorne.
Instructor: Dragos Oprea, doprea "at", AP&M 6-101. Lectures: MWF, 10:00-10:50, AP&M 7-421. Office hours: Wednesday 1-2pm in AP&M 6-101. I am available for questions after lecture or by appointment. Also, feel free to drop in if you see me in my office. Textbook: I will roughly follow Andreas Gathamnn's notes available online. I recommend that you also consult Shafarevich's Basic Algebraic Geometry and Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry.Other useful texts are Joe Harris, Algebraic Geometry: a first course.
David Mumford, Algebraic Geometry I, Complex projectivevarieties
David Mumford, The red book of varieties and schemes
Additional resources: Lecture notes in algebraic geometry:TheBilkentList